New Regional CANA East Archdeacons

Thursday July 20, 2017

Bishop Dobbs announces three new regional archdeacons in CANA

The Venerable Richard Lafferty will serve as archdeacon of the Mid-Atlantic.

The Venerable  Will Wilson will serve as archdeacon of the newly created Archdeaconry of the Chesapeake.

The Venerable Jay Cayangyang will serve as archdeacon of the North East.

The regional archdeacons of CANA East serve as the senior clergy on behalf of the bishops of the diocese. Each archdeacon has responsibly for clergy in a specific geographic region and undertakes to: pray for the clergy, spouses and families in the archdeaconry, make regular pastoral contact with each clergy person, annually visit each congregation in the archdeaconry, regularly update the bishops regarding the clergy and congregations in the archdeaconry and serve at diocesan gatherings such as installation services, ordinations, etc.

Bishop Dobbs also announced that Archdeacons Don Helmandollar and Alan Crippen will retire as regional archdeacons and serve with Archdeacons Gauss as archdeacons and advisors to the Bishops.

CANA East archdeaconries can found at this link